Thursday, April 2, 2009

Poor Hurley ...


    Poor Hurley!  He's always the one who gets picked on.  Now that Sawyer has finally laid off of our beefy friend, wise-guy Miles gives him a hard time about his lack of understanding of time travel.  Though I felt empathy for the large islander, it is about time that the writers gave the viewers some explanation as to exactly how time travel on LOST works.  For those of us using Back to the Future as a guide, this was a wake-up call.  As you know, my friend Jeff and I argue often about time travel.  Jeff made no hesitation to call me and compare me to the feeble-minded Hugo.  Sometimes my friend underestimates me.  Nevertheless, time travel is now a little clearer to all of us.  We know that the writers' intention is that Ben knew Sayid long before the crash of Flight 815 and that Kate is actually responsible for bringing Ben to the Others. 

    Though Jack was attempting to save them by not saving Ben Linus, he indirectly became responsible as well.  As John Locke would say, we cannot stop our fate.  In an attempt to save them from the future wrath of Benjamin Linus, he created the situation that will eventually bring on Ben's hostility.  It only makes one wonder what else Ben knows and what else he is responsible for.  For instance, does anyone else out there wonder if Ben knows why Mr. Echo died at the hands of Smokey?  Since everyone else who was killed by Smokey was someone Ben wanted to off, should we assume that Ben had a reason to end the life of one of the most interesting characters in LOST.  If it means that Mr. Echo will make another appearance, I'm all for finding out.

    Along with a clearer explanation of time travel, we got a lot of answers last night.  We now know that Kate's abandonment of Aaron was not rooted in evil at all, but a move to save the child and reunite him with true family and hopefully find his mother.  Here's a motive to get back to the island I didn't see coming.  Did anyone?  What is the true connection between Kate and Claire?  Does Kate see a bit of herself in the young mother?  Is Claire Kate's chance at penance for all her wrongs?  Or is there more?  I think we shall see, but probably in the sixth season.

    Another note on Jack.  While I was torn as to whether or not I agreed with his insistence on not saving the twelve-year-old Ben, I was even more thrown on the awkwardness of the "shower" scene.  Did it seem unusual to anyone else that neither Jack nor Juliet were concerned that Jack was naked?  "I really don't care that your naked crouch is right there, I want to know why you won't save that kid!"  I guess Juliet is no longer enthralled with Jack now that she has Sawyer!  Another note: those tattoos were clearly present on Jack's arm ... think we'll ever hear more about what those mean?  

    Finally, we saw how Ben entered the world of the Others.  While this was intriguing, the most interesting part was clearly when one of the Others asked Richard if he was concerned about Elie or Charles finding out.  Richard obviously did not to care, but the audience was given a subtle clue.  Was this Other telling us that Charles and Eloise were lovers?  Further, has there been any mention of Daniel Faraday's father or Penny's mother?  If Eloise (assuming Elie and Eloise Hawking are the same person) and Charles are ... were ... (whatever) lovers, then Faraday and Penny are siblings (again, assuming Faraday is, in fact, the son of Eloise Hawking).  This may also explain why Widmore is financing Faraday's experiments: he is simply supporting his son.  To further the irony, Faraday's constant is Desmond and Desmond's constant is Faraday's sister, Penny. 


Richard takes Ben into the Temple


    Finally, the "bomp!"  Weak!  It was obvious that Ben was going to wake up to Locke at some point.  I like a nice revelation to keep me guessing.  Granted, "Welcome to the land of the living," was a great line, but not worthy of the "bomp!"  However, the next episode looks very intriguing.  Is this it?  Is Ben going to meet his end?  They certainly want us to believe it.  In fact, they lead us to believe it so much that now I'm doubting it.  I would also be shocked if Ben died in an episode in the middle of the season and not in the season five finale.  Perhaps this is the episode where we will find out that Ben and Locke are actually brothers!  At least we'll finally find out why Ben was covered in blood when we arrived on Flight 316 ... at least I think so!

    I want to give a shout out to a LOST fan and a good friend of mine: Jessica Krenek, who has been accepted into the University of Maryland's PhD program in theater history and performance studies!  This is a huge achievement and could not be earned by anyone brighter and smarter!  I've known Jessica for many years and her success never ceases to amaze me and fill me with pride!  Congratulations, Jessica!  Please promise me that all the hard work will not prevent you from watching LOST! 

    Feel free to share theories and thoughts!  We'll in deep now and there is no turning back!  Sadly, the season finale is getting closer and closer!



  1. I love Jack's tattoos. Mainly because they're Matthew Fox's, that they wrote into the show. They may have added the asian characters in, but the pyramid one and stuff is all him.

  2. Joe--

    You're so sweet--thank you so much! :) And trust me, there's not much in this WORLD to keep me away from Lost!

    I'm definitely on board with the Locke/Ben brothers theory--though I don't know how the logistics work, the time travel element allows for a lot more flexibility, and I hope they use it wisely. The notion of how going to the Others means a "loss of innocence"--that was something I'd like to hear more about, and I suppose that's how the next week will unfold.

    I also LOVE the Penny/Faraday sibling idea! Had never thought of it, but WOW.

    And as for Kate--this, I think, marks the first time (at least in a LONG time) that I have felt sympathy for her. This was the moment where I believed that she truly did love Aaron--and that she loved him enough to give him up, to get his mother back. It was an intense moment, but well done. Though I'm not sure I like Roger semi-flirting with her...that bodes no good.

    We must talk about all of this soon :) Will you be on the Show Choir trip? BREAK A LEG this weekend, I'm sure the show will be amazing.

