I have not had a reason to write a blog for the last few weeks. I've sat back and just watched. While being excited about certain moments, I've been disappointed by others. So many have been surprised of my disgust in "Ab Aeterno." What did I learn from such an episode? That Richard came to the island as a slave on The Black Rock? That's he's been alive for a very long time? Well, stop the presses! Furthermore, I am sorry, but I have no interest in Isabella, Richard's long long long long long long lost love. Additionally, was it a big surprise that Hurley can talk to her? Hurley talks to dead people. I got it. Move on.
"The Package," however, was wonderful. It was filled with intrigue and surprises. The biggest surprise not being what happened - Desmond's back -, but what didn't happen - Sun and Jin did not find each other. I got news for you, folks, they're not going to. It is not the words of the prolific Flock or Jacob, but of the villainous Keamy, who tells Jin that they are not meant to be together. Right in front of us, the lives of Sun and Jin are moving backwards. Sun has lost the ability to speak English, a reverse of her biggest progression, and Jin is forming a partnership with a questionable figure. Widmore is still questionable, right?
Let's look at some important moments in the package:
- Sun's loss of English: While this could mean so many things, like what I mentioned above, it's most likely the joining of the two worlds. If "Sideways" Sun knew English, we would know it by now. She doesn't. The Sun of the island is slowly losing it. Eventually, we'll probably see her lose her ability to understand English as well. Slowly the worlds are becoming more and more similar.
- Sun's long glance in the mirror: Sun cuts her finger on the island and then notices it in the mirror in the sideways world. This is similar to Jack's cut on his neck, Jin's cut on his head, and Sawyer's cut on his hand - from a mirror. The worlds are converging slowly and subtly. From the very beginning, when Jack found his cut in the cramped bathroom on the plane, we were clued in on the fact that these are not separate worlds. Is it time? Is the island further in the future than we think?
- Mikhail's eye: Did anyone else cheer when Jin shot Mikhail in the eye? It was awesome! It was also another sign that the worlds are converging. Again, I can't escape the idea that the sideways world is really just the past and that eventually, these people will end up on the island and experience the events we are watching them experience, or the island world is moving backwards (Sun forgetting English). Mikhail's loss of an eye also calls on the literary figure of Polyphemus from The Odyssey. Not only was Polyphemus a cyclops and a loner who lived in a cave all by himself (similar to Mikhail living in a shack all by himself), but he was the son of Poseidon, god of the sea. It was after Odysseus poked his son's remaining eye out that Poseidon swore to destroy Odysseus before he returned back to his home in Ithaca to reunite with his wife. What god will stop Jin and Sun from getting back together? Is there more to learn about Mikhail? Does this have a connection to Desmond the traveller who is dedicated to his true love Penelope (the name of Odysseus' wife).
- Kate: Though not a main character in the last few episodes, her role seems important. Notice that she has become involved in many of the sideways story lines. She helped Claire, she stole Jack's pen, and she has been captured by Sawyer. Is she the constant that brings the two worlds together? Assuming she is not a candidate (which I am still not positive of), she is still very important. She has touched too many lives not to be. It is also not clear if she is actually on Flock's side. Her overall goal is blurry at best. Sawyer might be right that she wants to get off the island, but she wants to do it on her own terms and not before her work with Claire is done. But Claire has her own agenda. Let's not ignore the playing of "Amazing Grace" during the preview for next week's "Happily Ever After." Someone's number is up! Is it Kate?
I still don't have a theory of how this is going to end. Hopefully, after a few more episodes, I will have more insight. Right now, I am just enjoying the final episodes and getting "lost" with the rest of you.